Image illustrative de Red Dwarf
Image illustrative de Red Dwarf

Red Dwarf

Le Red Dwarf est un vaisseau terrien minier de 8kms de long, qui circule en orbite autour de Saturne. A bord, officiers et miniers cohabitent tant bien que mal. Dave Lister vit à bord et possède un chat bien que cela soit strictement interdit. Découvert, il est enfermé dans un caisson cryogénique pour faute... A ...

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Terminée Anglaise 30 minutes
Comédie, Science-Fiction, Comedy BBC Two, Game One, Dave 1988

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 4.02 - D.N.A.


The crew stumble upon a deserted space ship of non-human origin and Rimmer believes it is an alien ship. They go inside to search the ship and Kryten and Rimmer discover the remains of a three-headed creature. They find a wallet on him with human artifacts such as credit cards, license etc. and Kryten suggests that something has changed his physical form. Meanwhile, Cat and Lister find a machine with a Star Trek style computer panel. Cat begins playing with it and accidentally traps Lister in a pink beam. A deep voice announces that a transmogrification is about to take place. When Cat tries to get him free, Lister turns into a chicken. Rimmer and Kryten come along and while Cat is showing what he did to Lister, he traps Kryten in the beam. He manages to change Lister back to a human, but when he does the same for Kryten, it actually transforms him into a human, rather than just setting him free. Back on Red Dwarf, Kryten is delighted with his new-found humanity. However he soon starts to tire of it after talking to his spare heads and realising that he has betrayed his kind, and wants to be changed back. They go back aboard the ship and Holly says she thinks she has the computer all figured out. Rimmer decides it best if she tries it on something else first. She tries Lister's curry and turns it into a monster by mistake. After being chased all over the ship, Lister decides the only way to defeat it is to turn him into a superhuman. Holly turns him into something like Robocop, but tiny. (about 1 1/2' tall) Lister eventually defeats the Curry Monster with a can of lager (the only thing that can kill a vindaloo).

Diffusion originale : 21 février 1991

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Diffusion française : 21 février 1991
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Ed Bye
Scénariste.s : Rob Grant , Doug Naylor
Guest.s : Richard Ridings

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